How to create a case type and data model in pega 8.5 | creating an application
we're going through all the steps from scratch to create an application and working with that right so for this example we're going to create a sales application so let's get started so the first steps in order to create your application you only have to go to the application and then click on new application and then open up the wizard and the only option that we have here is built from scratch so we're not going to use any framework but you depending on the version of Pega that you're using you will be able to use different frameworks. here is how you're able to create, the organization name the editions and the unit so the different layers that the application has so this is we'll we're not going to enter to detail of this we're going to review later on on the advanced topic so we're going to click save just leave it like that . . Then you can name your application and finish the setup the error message that you see is because I was about ...